I started off really well but ran out of gas around 2 miles. Then I got too warm so I had to take off my hat and gloves, wish I'd taken a shirt off too!!!! I ended up walking some of it, but I think that gave me a little extra boost on the last part of the run. Sam left me behind when I was walking because he was getting cold. I was disappointed that I'd had to walk, but was really happy to see that my time was 30:18, much faster than I thought it was
I cut 25 seconds off my time last year and really did feel OK the whole time I ran, just ran out of steam for a while. Not sure if it was because I started out too fast or the hassle of trying to get around all the walkers. Even so, I just could not feel my legs and felt like I was going to fall over and I had to walk. I'm still happy with my time and it was better than I thought it would be. My last 3 runs have been around 33 mins, so a huge improvement