Friday, December 30, 2022

Frostbite series 2022-23 #2 2 miles


It was so cold on Christmas Eve, that I bowed to popular opinion and didn't do the run in Forest Park.  I did it on my own instead and ran the whole way.  I am definitely slower when I'm running on my own, but my time was pretty good.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Frostbite series 2022-23 #1 3K


Short distance in Forest Park.  Still 10:35/mile is good for me and not bad being middle of the pack when it's the track club that sponsors these!!!!

Monday, December 5, 2022

Hot Chocolate Run 2022

 Had a great run yesterday.  The run was in Forest Park.  It was relatively easy to park, the course was great (just a little hilly) and the weather was perfect.  I was pretty much the middle of the pack, but did a good time for me.  Best of all, I felt fine at the end of it and I don't ache at all today.  Funny piece of trivia-I was 4 seconds slower than when I did my first 15K in 2015, so I guess losing 4 seconds in 7 years isn't too bad!!!