Monday, September 29, 2014

WOD ideas from WLC

“Bread & Butter”
Every minute on the minute for 10, 15 or 20 minutes, do:
5 push ups
10 bicycles
15 arch ups (lying on your stomach, pull your head & chest off the ground while simultaneously pulling your legs off the ground)
“Run & Squat”
Repeat 3-5 times for time
Run around your block (no more than 1/2 mile)
25 – 40 squats
“On & Off”
Repeat 1-3 times
30” push ups (“=seconds)
30” rest
30” bicycles
30” rest
30” lunges
30” rest
30” burpees
30” rest
30” flutter kicks
30” rest

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tips from WLC

Suggested Workouts:
1. WLC official workout – interchange the movements written to get variety
2. Go for a run
a) easy, slow, recovery for 15-30 min
b) short intervals:
3 min warm up
4-8 x 30” hard; 90” easy
3 min cool down
3. Handstand kick ups & walking
4. Do as many Push ups as I can in 10 minutes
5. Repeat 5x:
jumprope for 1 min
Squats / lunges / bicycles for 1 min
Total time: 10 min
Suggested Stretching:
Monday – Pigeon
Tuesday – Side Lying Pretzel
Wednesday – Couch
Thursday – Ankle (calf/achilles)
Friday – Squat
Saturday – Hamstring
Sunday – Thoracic Extension

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Whole Life Challenge #4

I am trying another Whole Life Challenge.  This will be my 4th one.  I have cheated quite a bit on the last 2 I did, but this one is (hopefully) going to be a good one.  The site and the scoring system are a little different this time, so hopefully it will keep my interest.  I have been doing the Challenge with essentially the same team of players for a while and we are good at cheering each other on, so we will see how it goes.  I have really got out of the habit with exercising and am starting at the bottom again.  Hopefully this will get me back on track with that too.
I did well on Day 1.  I had no oat oatmeal for breakfast, eggs and a banana for lunch and chicken, roast vegetables and stuffed tomatoes for dinner.  I had a piece of cherry clafouti for dessert.  Only 51 more days to go!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

September Run-Forest Park

Very nice morning for our September run. I did it in 23 seconds less than Monday's run, so I was a little faster. Still much slower than I ussed to be!!!
Sam says we look better at the end of the race than the beginning!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2014

August Run 2014 Billiken 5K at SLU

OK, it's September 1st, so technically this is not my August run, but we were gone for quite a bit of the month and it's so hot that there aren't that many runs around in August.  I was pretty slow, but my heel has been really bothering me and I haven't run since the July 4 run.  I felt OK, so that's a plus.  September run is next week!!!!