Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Leeny's potluck party

Leeny had a potluck party to wrap-up the Whole30. A good group of people showed up for it.  I made some WLC cookies, beef in the slow cooker and Chimichurri sauce
Rare picture of Sam and me.  I had heels on and he's still way taller than I am!!!!  Also, I was drinking water!!!!
Prizes for the winning team

Another great Leeny challenge

Friday, February 17, 2017

Final results for Leeny's challenge

Total Participants:  35
Challenge participants (took before and afters and logged lifestyle points):  32
(9 non members, 23 members)
Participants who had afters taken:  30
Percentage of people fully completing the challenge:  94% (THIS NUMBER IS THE BIGGEST YET!)
Total lbs lost: 222.7
Avg lbs lost:  7.4
Total inches lost:  128
Avg inches lost:  4.3

Top Female Winners
1st  Jane McHowat  
Lost 6.7% bodyweight; 5.8% inches; 203 LSP) life style points

2nd  Karen Winkler
Lost 5.8% bodyweight; 5.2% inches; 193 LSP

Top Male Winners
1st Gus Haug
Lost 12.76 % bodyweight (35 lbs!!); 8.4% inches; 148 LSP

2nd  Terrence Griffin
Lost 6.61% bodyweight; 5.9% inches;  179 LSP