Saturday, January 29, 2022

Snowball series Run #3


Run #3 was at Creve Coeur park, 7K.  I ran the whole way, which is the furthest I have run without stopping.  It was nice and flat and the weather was pretty good, so my pace was quite good

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Snowball Series Run #2

Run 2 of the Snowball Series was my first run since I missed Forest Park on January 1. It was a 3 mile run in Tower Grove park and it was snowing.  It was pretty miserable and I was completely soaked at the end of it (especially my feet).  My legs were pretty sore the next day too, I'm lucky I didn't hurt!!!

Slow pace, but I did it!!!


Saturday, January 1, 2022

Snowball Series 2022

 I know I hadn't been running in a while, but I hadn't realized that I hadn't logged any runs since 2017.  I started running again a few months ago, with the goal that I'd register for the 2022 Snowball Series. Covid has changed everything, and they did a virtual series last year & the website suggested that they would do the same this year.  So, I signed up for the Frostbite series instead and ran two races last month.  The first Snowball run was this morning in Forest Park.  It was 30 degrees and pouring, I drove over to Forest Park, but decided to leave after there was no way I was going to run when it was raining that hard-anyone outside was absolutely soaked.  It's not worth the risk of getting sick at this point.  Luckily, I can run virtually and still get the medal, so I'll try to catch up later this week.  Such a shame though.