Saturday, February 22, 2025

Frostbite Series #5 5K (should have been #3)


Well, I finished the series in 2nd place & ran a pretty good pace today.  It was cold (only 19), but felt warm as we've had a bitterly cold week

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Frostbite Series #4, 3 miles


Joe & I ran the 3miles in the rain.  Slower time than last year, but I really enjoy running with Joe so I'm OK if we run slower.  I am down in 2nd place overall now, but still in the running for being in top 3.  I hope I can hold one.....

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Snowball Series #3 Creve Coeur 7K


Another pretty icy run.  They had to change the route due to the ice on the trail on the north side of the lake.  It was damp and icy on the whole trail, I saw a lot of people slipping, but no falls.  I did way better than I thought, although my legs and feet hurt afterwards, probably due to not being able to run while relaxed.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Frostbite Series #3, 4 miles

 I ran with Joe this morning.  It was pretty chilly and still snow/ice on the ground, but not too bad.  We had a pretty good time, but more hills than we wanted (but we pretty much don't want any hills-haha)

Somehow I managed to be first place in the series standings, but that won't last for long as there are runners in my category who are much faster than I am.  Still, at least for 2 weeks, I'm in the lead!!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Snowball Series #2 Kirkwood 4 miles


This might be the craziest run I have ever done (although I'd have to think back to the Stan Musial Bridge one to even compare!).  We still have a bunch of snow & ice around.  It has started to thaw for a couple of days, but it was bitterly cold and there was ice everywhere.  You had to be really careful not to fall and it made everyone's time slower, but the goal was really to stay upright!!!  There was a particularly bad spot where we all had to wait in line to stagger across the ice & a couple of other places where we had to line up to get through.  There were some caualties, but luckily I wasn't one of them.  I had already fallen earlier in the week, I don't need that again!!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Snowball Series #1 5K Forest Park


Really good pace this morning.  It was colder than I thought it would be & my back has been bothering me, so I was happy with the result.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Frostbite series #2, 2 miles

 Ran with Joe this morning.  He definitely pulled me along!!!!  Pretty good pace for me and the weather was perfect for running.  I'm in 3rd out of 15 place in the series standings.