Friday, July 20, 2012

Trying to get out of the paleo comfort zone

I think I'm in a "paleo comfort zone".  To me, that means that I eat paleo when it's convenient and relapse when it's not.  I am pandering to my sweet tooth and eating a lot of fruit, muffins and no-oat oatmeal just because they are technically paleo.  However, they are definitely not optimal.  We are also eating the same limited repertoire for dinner, I need to explore some new recipes.  Luckily, Leeny is starting a new Whole30 challenge in August.  I am beginning to see why you need to do a challenge a couple of times a year to stay on track.  I'm looking forward to getting out of this comfort zone.  It's amazing how easily you can fall back into old habits.  We went to Crave for coffee for a special occasion the other week and now we're going almost every day-after I didn't have any coffee from there for over 5 months.....

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