Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Whole30 year

Well, I have been trying to do paleo for the most of this year, sometimes with more effort than at others. I have done the Whole30 program with Leeny twice and I have tried doing it on my own twice and lasted about 3 weeks. The rest of the time I have hovered between being pretty good and completely hopeless. It's horrifying how quickly you can get back into your old habits. It's mostly because we are completely surrounded by processed food and sugar. Leeny had told me that she had been looking at my before pictures from January and comparing them to my after pictures last week. I had been looking at them myself and was reassured that I had been losing weight (better that it's fat) gradually over this year. I have lost 17 lbs in total (12.5% of my body weight) and some inches (maybe not as much as I'd like). I have noticed a change in my clothes and how I look. I need to stay on track to get to where I would ideally like to be.....
Look at all that fat on my back!!!!
Not bad, but still got that belly going on.....

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